Frequently Asked Questions
It is an all-island collaboration focused on a partnership with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) that will determine the next steps for the MVRHS school building & campus.
To address the space needs required to meet the educational program
To address health and safety requirements
Modern education has changed since our building was constructed and it no longer meets the needs of our students
To be fully accessible for all, including members of our community with impaired mobility
Attract and retain talented educators
To replace and improve failing and expensive building systems that are already beyond their expected lifespan
To determine the future of the CTE program for the vitality of the Island’s workforce
The project will:
Provide an engaging educational environment guided by the educational program for the Islands students of the next generation and beyond
Create an inspiring aesthetic that elevates student and staff achievement
Be a healthy and safe environment for our children
Become a source of pride for the island and a beacon for our sustainability values
Be a place to train the Island’s future workforce in expanded and new CTE programs
Offer community spaces for athletics, theater, events, gatherings, special programs
Right size classrooms, science labs, and vocational programs to meet state educational standards.
It is an all-island collaboration focused on a partnership with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) that will determine the next steps for the MVRHS school building & campus.
MVRHS has attempted 7 times over a 10-year span to be accepted into the MSBA core program. On September 1, 2022, the District’s Eligibility Period with the MSBA officially commenced.
As a source of funding, being a part of the MSBA grant program means the school construction project will cost significantly less than a self-funded project. To be eligible for reimbursement, requirements must be met in programming space, construction and timeline requirements, as well as following the MSBA module process to determine the best path forward.
The MSBA requires options for Renovation only, Addition/Renovation and New Construction, with multiple options for each. There have been 19 options studied in the first study phase.
School Construction Costs will be funded by each town part of the Regional High School District apportioned by an agreed upon amount through a Bond Referendum
MSBA will reimburse 30-39% depending on the option chosen and items included and community need
Other state and federal grant programs will be pursued
Through its "pay-as-you-build" Progress Payment System, the MSBA reimburses districts for eligible project costs during construction. After a community enters into a Project Funding Agreement with the MSBA and submits project costs that have been incurred and paid locally, the MSBA audits the submitted invoices and reimburses the district for eligible project costs. The MSBA typically makes payment within 15 days of receiving the reimbursement request. The major benefits to the system are:
Communities avoid having to borrow the MSBA’s share of project costs, which reduces both the amount of debt on the local books and interest costs related to financing.
Communities receive the full amount of the MSBA’s share of project costs during construction and its close-out audit. No longer do they have to wait 20 years to receive their full grant.
The MSBA is auditing projects as they are built, avoiding the many-year delay between project completion and final cost reconciliation.
Consistent, predictable payments allow communities to better manage their cash flow.
Today’s Massachusetts high schools are around $1Ksf, with future inflation and the 30% added Island factor, the early estimated numbers are exactly in line with other HS construction projects in the state. Please refer to this continually updated chart for MSBA project costs: https://info.massschoolbuildings.org/TabPub/TableauCostData.aspx
The MVRHS SBC is charged with coordinating and facilitating the school building project. All six towns are represented on the SBC. People with different backgrounds and perspectives are on the committee to provide a wide breadth of knowledge and expertise. Please see https://mvrhsbuildingproject.org/project-team/ for building committee members
All public information will be posted on our project website (mvrhsbuildingproject.org), but we encourage you to get involved at in-person events where your voice will be heard! You can sign up for email updates as well as find information on our Facebook page and regular media updates.